
Star Citizen Introduces New System Pyro and Jump Points

Hither it is folks. Chris Roberts closing keynote from Star Citizen's annual CitizenCon event has only mic-dropped and mind blown anybody. Pyro is the second system coming into game which means it's the first fourth dimension we'll require jump point mechanics equally just demonstrated by Chris Roberts to a stunned audience. The system is well known every bit a completely chaotic and lawless pirate haven (unlike for example Spider where although information technology's a pirate organisation, it has its own rules to keep some semblance of order). Pyro is actually where everything can and does kick off. The expectation as such is that this is where players will go in the persistent universe if they wish to pursue a piracy based career. At the moment, players spawn in game in i of either two locations. Port Olisar for lawful players and Grim Hex for those with a criminal rating. Ane suspects that in future that may shift to Pyro.

More chiefly though, Star Citizen has its first jump bespeak in game! This is the beginning of the fulfilment of the promise that brought in a couple of meg backers and over $240 million in funding (plus separate individual funding) to Chris Roberts' vision over the last vii years. Naturally the bound sequence looks astonishing. Although one of the gameplay mechanics people will be looking to long term from the Carrack will be scanning and navigating bound points, this point is already established and volition allow players to traverse from the Stanton system which nosotros take today, to Pyro and vice versa. Check out the below video for more detail on Pyro:

Details are sparse but 1 assumes that for the initial jump point, particularly given that the ARK Starmap shows it as existing already, no special ships or sensing/navigating equipment other than a jump drive volition be needed to apply the jump betoken. The information from the Starmap shows it as bidirectional and of medium size. Exactly what sized ships can traverse a medium sized spring indicate are still unclear but ane would expect that all unmarried seaters and many of the smaller and medium multi-crew ships which are in game now should exist able to use it without difficulty. Larger in game ships such as the Misc Starfarer or Aegis Hammerhead may struggle.

As for the system itself, existing players may have a modest sense of it given that it is currently the inspiration for i of the more than beautiful maps in the Arena Commander game fashion. Graphics every bit always are astonishing and the spring bespeak traversal is something that longstanding fans of Chris Roberts games (yep, a lot of u.s. grew up with Fly Commander and Privateer with spring points) have been aching for.

This does however get out open one question. The current Stanton system is already huge and traversing from one part of information technology to some other already takes ages. If Pyro launches with more than than one location only the other side of the jump point, a long-standing community [Business] effectually how long it takes to get anywhere and do stuff in game may well become exacerbated further. Breakthrough travel (super-fast travel in organization to cover the massive distances) already takes quite a long time and the possibility of having to spend half a day to exercise a trade run from Stanton to Pyro and back over again may put some fans off. Here'due south hoping that CIG speed upwards in system quantum travel from the current 0.2c.

Other than that, the game looks as amazing as e'er and feels like it's starting to have shape in a more definite course than it has existed in previously.

Star Denizen Introduces Weather with Planet Tech V4

As many will know, CIG has been working a lot on building the two games it'due south known for (Squadron 42, the traditional single role player campaign style game as well equally Star Citizen, the broader, online, multiplayer universe), but given that the studio started from scratch (granted, a while ago now given the kickstarter launched in 2022), they've besides been building a lot of their own tooling. This has become evident as the game has expanded and lots of locations accept been added including planets, moons, space stations and rest stops amongst others. A lot of this has been congenital using CIG's own tooling for procedural generation around locations just CIG has taken a mixed arroyo with Star Citizen and the expectation is it will continue to do then with some locations being mostly procedurally generated and some being mostly hand crafted.

The latest version of the planetary tech platform is now incorporating weather and the general idea is that there will now exist all different kinds of weather which volition be directly affecting how your send handles and flies in atmospheric atmospheric condition.

As expected (come on, it'due south Star Citizen we're talking about here), fidelity is always important to Chris Roberts and given the amount of piece of work which has gone in to physically modelling spaceflight, nosotros can probably look things like snow storms, rain storms, winds, maybe fifty-fifty up to hurricanes to become a thing over time in the game and players will have to effigy out how they make their way through planetary weather condition when the fourth dimension comes and they're on a time critical mission and accept to land and deliver a bundle to somewhere that has disabled it'south automated landing systems due to a severe storm of some kind.

For those interested in the weather (both in game and out), this kind of new tech is going to likely make the MyRadar app a must take. MyRadar launched a collaboration with Star Citizen a couple of years ago and we got exclusive coverage yesterday of how they are at present launching their own satellite into infinite with Star Citizen branding on it! MyRadar is a terrestrial weather app for both iOS and Android, but the CEO is a capitalist of the game and he incorporated in game weather into the app ii years agone.

If you're unfamiliar with Star Citizen, they're having a Gratis Fly from tomorrow where anyone can attempt the game and all current ships volition be available to anyone who tries it allowing people to come across if combat, mining, piracy or trading experience like the correct thing for you before you have the plunge. The Free Wing has a new "Welcome Hub" with tutoring and matchmaking for new players and quondam.


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