
Galaxy Z Flip Durability Test Shows The ‘Revolutionary Flexible Glass’ Isn’t Actual Glass [Video]

The Galaxy Z Flip, co-ordinate to Samsung is said to be an improved version of the Korean giant's foldable handset lineup, as it sports what the visitor calls a 'revolutionary flexible glass'. However, a new video raises a lot of questions regarding Samsung'southward claim, and when you see it, y'all'll know exactly what we're talking about. Here are the latest details from the Galaxy Z Flip immovability clip.

YouTuber Says Samsung Could Be Using a 'Hybrid Plastic Polymer' for the Galaxy Z Flip

Zach from his personal YouTube aqueduct JerryRigEverything has go somewhat of a legend when it comes to performing stress tests of premium smartphones. His recently uploaded Galaxy Z Flip immovability video shows cracks in Samsung's 'revolutionary flexible drinking glass' claims when even a level ii selection made upwards of plastic shows marks on the brandish. Gorilla Glass doesn't start showing marks until you whip out a level 5 or level 6 pick, so it'southward disappointing to come across the Galaxy Z Flip doesn't tout what its maker is marketing.

According to Zach, Samsung is calling the material 'glass' only the start one-half of the Galaxy Z Flip durability clip shows that it's a hybrid of some kind. He also goes on to perform a resistance test of the side-mounted fingerprint reader, but later on a few scratches from the razor blade, it stops detecting anything. At to the lowest degree the gradient dorsum is made of drinking glass, and then is the dual camera'due south protective layer.

During the second half of the Milky way Z Flip immovability test, a lighter is held up against the primary screen, and information technology changes shape. Glass would not morph like this, so it can mean that Samsung is using some form of plastic. On to the bend test, Zach states that this is the nearly durable foldable phone ever created, but on the 3rd effort of bending the handset, a small popping noise tin exist heard, and the rear glass console cracks, revealing a pregnant room for improvement when it comes to future iterations.

While information technology looks like Samsung has made a lot of changes in terms of protecting foldable smartphones, this Milky way Z Flip durability video should open up some optics. For one affair, Samsung must change its statement from 'revolutionary flexible drinking glass' to 'hybrid polymer glass' or something along the lines. Also, Customers who intend to purchase this down the route volition now know what they need to sentry out for.

News Source: YouTube (JerryRigEverything)


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