Blockstream CSO Samson Mow explored a variety of topics in his latest interview on Cointelegraph'south YouTube aqueduct. Watch the full interview above and be sure to subscribe to the channel for more than weekly crypto content!

Blockchain in Gaming

Mow is non only the chief strategy officer at Blockstream, but also the founder and CEO of game development company Pixelmatic. He created the visitor later on working for two years as a Director of Product for Ubisoft in China.

His interest in gaming economies stems from his experience playing Lineage two. He recalls that he and a friend ran a golden farming operation involving the purchasing and selling of accounts. Coincidentally, his username from those days inspired his Twitter handle, Excellion.

He goes on to explicate that he sees the merger of blockchain and gaming as the advent of a new type of gaming economic system: one where the game's currency tin can function separately from the game itself.

Is Adam Back Satoshi?

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has never been confirmed. Since Bitcoin's inception, there has been rampant speculation and fifty-fifty outright self-proclamations on the identity of its elusive creator. More than recently, a YouTuber named Barely Sociable released a 40-minute investigative video claiming that Blockstream CEO Adam Back is the most probable candidate to be Satoshi.

As a shut colleague of Dorsum's, Mow explains why he believes the Blockstream CEO is "likewise skilled" to be Satoshi. According to Mow, any one of the early participators in Bitcoin is a reasonable fit to be its creator:

"You lot could pick Nick, you could pick Wei Dai, Hal Finney, Adam Back. They're all candidates because they all share that mutual background and common interests. If you lot're choosing to await for Satoshi, you tin observe Satoshi. It's very easy."

Make sure to watch the total video for an in-depth look at the potential for blockchain in gaming economies, the balance traps involved with putting games on a blockchain, and whether Satoshi'south identity should remain a undercover.

For more than crypto interviews, market place updates, and everything in between, head over to the Cointelegraph YouTube aqueduct and striking that subscribe button!